Monday, July 1, 2013

Roxy's guide to life: priorities

Life is not easy at times but if you know what is important life gives you a bit of a brake.
There are three things that you need to understand;

There are things that you can't live with out. REALLY REALLY can't live with out. These are things like  Food, water, shelter.  Things that you would really DIE without it or would be a  detriment to your life like eye glasses, electricity or clothes (does not need to be brand name just cover the skin).

Wants are things that are not needed but really be nice. Like new toys, MP3 players and new games. Sadly some wants get confused  with and needs. Take for example a 12 year old does not need to have a cell phone. They may seem to think they need one because everyone else has one, but it is not true.  IF they do need to have a electronic leash a basic phone will do not a smart phone.  Also things like T.V service, Internet and cellphone are also wants. You don't NEED them to live and it really is not a detriment to you life.

 last but not least

Appreciate what you got.
We all see things that we want and need but  it is true you don't know what you got till it is gone. why get a whole new game if you still have not played all the games that you got kind of thing. We get caught up with the whole keeping up with the Jone's that we don't have time to play with what we got. I don't know about you but I like to play with my toys and not replace them when something new comes out that a tiny, little bit better.

I guess what I am trying to say is that things may seem hard at times but remember, we did not always have the things we do now. computers would be some kind of spawn of devil him self and cell phones would make you look crazy (and not just blue tooth head set but the device it self).  Know what is imported and then go from there. Prioritize needs over want, and use what you got. It may not be the latest and greatest, but it is better then nothing at all. 

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