Monday, February 11, 2013

Why am I so easy to amuse/ my mind is not a safe place for other.

Wow 2 post in 1 years this is a good thing I guess.

So I was out for a drive and I seen a sign, not a fancy one just a white with a black border made to look like an arrow  that reads "Landmark". I laughed, it was pointing to wards a farmer field. Me thinks it not much of a land mark seeing that it is a just like all the other farmers fields in the area.

The small ironic things amuse me. Like packing cookies for friends and family that are gifts for valentines days while watching The biggest loser. I would love to figure out why but whatever.

So the other day I was looking at my horrorscope and it said "We no longer have to wait for someone to arrive home from school or work to be able to receive a phone call. We no longer have to wait a week to get a card or a letter from someone through the postal service. We can text or email or call someone on a cell phone no matter where they are. But there was something that was a bit more romantic about the old way, and there's something to be said for that. "  Now that is true I mean when you read cosmopolitan and they say that Facebook is a major way we talk to people. Every one believes them right (sarcastic)? Oh Cosmo, you take your self way to cereal (I should make a post about my thoughts on Cosmo) . I do find it sad thou that I don't get any letter that are not sales and or bills. it also told me reach out and touch someone. I don't know about normal people but I thought of Marilyn Manson's song personal Jesus, "Reach out and touch me" some times I think that my mind is not a safe place for anyone else but me.

well hope I did not bore you TOO much. 