Sunday, May 22, 2011

You can have a "flat man action figure too!

In my look on the vast interwebs I find many things ... this is one of them.
why dose such a seeming Innocent cut out "action figure" Catch my interest? it is in the small details.
  1. "comes with 3 action phrses that you can say with your own voice!"
    Really? I can make it say "let go team!" in a demonic like voice! WOW can I also make it say yo mama jokes and "I will take your soul"... well I guess I am IT MY VOICE!
  2. "Tippy Toes says: Remember always ask your parents permission before using scissors!"

    Other then the obvious psycho looking squirrel thing that should not have ANYTHING SHARP AND POINTY! Let get a closer look at this, it is a girl squirrel because of the pink bow and there is a difference between hege clippers and scissors. your cutting out a paper doll, sorry "action figure" not cutting your bush out side your house (get you mind out of the gutter) in the shape of your lover that your stalking, oh sorry waiting patiently for.
  3. The man in the background with scissors handles poking out of his chest."Not again"

    at this point I am think that what happened was one of three things. One; you told the psycho squirrel that her love is one way and he wants nothing to do with her. Two; your incomitant or Three; You don't know how scissors work.
    None the less I ask when did this happen the first time? I mean one would think that you would have learned NOT to repeat ... unless your incomitant but if you are you are in the same boat as the squirrel.
So to conclude and not waste any more of your time or mine let me sum it up You can have your very own apparently named "flat-Man" and have shredder jumpeing adventure and save the day vary tac-fully.
Have fun